sábado, 2 de janeiro de 2016


So, today i will show how to install virtual box 5 on debian 8.0 (jesssie)

was tested on kali linux, ubuntu mate, fedora .

First of all:

Add this line on /etc/apt/sources.list this information:
deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian vivid contrib
add this command in your terminal:
wget -q https://www.virtualbox.org/download/oracle_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Obs.: So, for me both of thing do not work .

After that, start a update /apt-get update

and start this command:

sudo apt-get install virtualbox-5.0

and in the end use this command: sudo apt-get install dkms

There is a observation , some things how integration for your desktop and share some files cross

machines you must realize this procedure:

install   VM VirtualBox Extension Pack

Normaly the extension pack work for use usb devices on your virtual machine.

and oracle virtualbox client after create any virtual machine.

the oracle virtualbox client work for copy and past between files in you phisical machine and

virtual machine.

Another observation, normally we need enable some things on virtual machine but the user used to allow usb on virtual machine or another things that you want, is necessary you add your actualy user on the group vboxusers :

sudo usermod -a -G vboxuser "your user"

if you preffear is possible execute this command for install a compatible version for your distro gnu-linux:
apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') virtualbox

if you want find a version that you preffear following the source:

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