To resolve this issue and not execute some programs by "administrator" you can use the command RUNAS also know “run as” in us interface.
Open the properties shortcut of software of you wanna used by administrator.
By destiny, before the path of executable include the command Runas /savecred stay
runas /savecred /user:administrador “C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe”
Now you shold click on shortcut , and ask a password, after you put the was memorize per windows and don't ask again this password.
On screem above you can see that the prompt stay running by administrator.
OBS: In this example i used the prompt of command afteri possible show the user that was running, however do not recommend this in real life.
Case is necessary remover our change the password type the password using console “ user acount” type “control userpasswords2” on run .
Click in credential of windows, and change the credential that you want.
The another password will saved too in this console with password of remote desktop.